How to Save Money on Poker

How to Save Money on Poker There are a few ways to save money while playing poker . Although most poker rooms frown upon outside food, you can bring a small bag or backpack to bring snacks. If you play in a smaller casino, park your car close to the entrance of the poker room and walk to it during breaks. If you play in a larger casino, plan ahead to bring a few snacks, or stock up on them before you arrive. Setting a stop-loss limit One way to save money when playing poker is by setting a stop-loss limit. The purpose of a stop-loss limit is to protect your bankroll from damage. If you find that you are playing badly, you should stop playing before the stop-loss limit. Poker is a swingy game. It can be easy when everything is going right, but it can be extremely difficult when everything is going awry. While you are the coach and manager of your own poker session, you also have to decide when to quit and how long to play during a good session. That's why poker players came up with ...