Texas Hold 'Em Poker

Texas Hold 'Em Poker In Texas hold’em, players use two of their own hole cards and five community cards to construct a poker hand. There are betting rounds after each “street” of cards, which include the flop, turn, and river. The player to the immediate left of the button posts a small and big blind to initiate betting on each street. After the betting is complete, players reveal their holes to determine a winner. READ MORE >>> Payouts The game’s pay tables vary depending on how the player bets. Typically, players must place a small and large blind before the dealer deals cards. The button, or “button seat” determines which player has to post these bets, and also establishes who acts as the dealer. During the course of a hand, there are several betting moments known as “streets” before the flop is dealt. During each street, players can check, call, fold, or raise. The best hand wins the pot. In certain situations, ties can occur. Ties are resolved using kickers, a special...